You shouldn’t miss this out when publishing your next book.

Ogungbire Adedolapo
2 min readJun 30, 2021

There is no doubt that getting your book published by a well-known publisher, having a crazy huge advertising budget and hiring a good PR consultant will make your book successful. However, most book authors focus on these alone leaving out some other key details.

In this article, I will be discussing one of the details which can be a game-changer for the sales of your book.

Which detail am I referring to?

Well… This is the title of the book. That is, making the title of your book UNIQUE.

As simple and no-brainer as this seem, most authors fail to give this very important detail much attention when considering the marketing of their books.

The majority of authors will stick to descriptive names which more often than not has already been previously published. So why should I, as a potential book reader pick your title out of the several hundreds of similar titles available here?

As a budding author who is not well recognized, it might be hard for a book reader to pick out your book from the several others of similar titles on the book shelf. Taking the extra time to make your book title truly unique is well worth it and every self-published author should strive to do just this. While working on curating the title of your next book, spend a substantial amount of time search through popular search engines such as Google, as well as famous book marketplaces like Amazon.

I recently worked with an author who hired me as her book cover designer for a new cookbook she was publishing. A simple Amazon search yielded several tens of books with the exact same title. She yielded to my advice of curating a different unique title and I am proud to say that this finally paid off as she has proceeded to make several hundreds of organic sales. This is all thanks to her unique title.

So, tell me… Have you ever struggled with coming up with a unique title for your book? Let me know in the comment section below.



Ogungbire Adedolapo

Data Science Professional with Domain Expertise in Transportation Planning and Design. Python, Java, SQL, Tableau. Passionate about graphics design(Book Design)